Wednesday, April 14, 2010

back to work

On sunday of this week, i ended up doing a lot of minor officework. Then, for a good majority - i was sent out shopping for wardrobe and other random things for guests (toothbrushes, toothpaste, you name it...) Very rarely now am i sent out to hangout with the guests that fly in.. It seems to me now that most of the guests don't really sleep before they come and do the show - so theyre up ALL night, then fly all morning, then meet with the producers for a few hours before they ever get to check into their hotel room. it's no wonder all they want to do is sit in their rooms and order food, they must be exhausted. going out to eat with guests or just out in general has always been interesting - finding out where theyre from, what they do for a living - it's SO interesting to meet other people from other parts of the country, and comparing their lifestyles to my own...

Tuesday was HECTIC, no surprise there. There were only a few interns there so i had to pick up the slack a little bit. As soon as i got there - GO MAKE SURE ALL THE GUESTS ARE DRESSED !!!!!! ASAP!!!!!!! and then proceeded to dress the guests, and do all the things i need to do to make them happy.

What's interesting about doing show days is that i get to see people before i see their problems (on tv). SO many times unfortunately I had been forced to hangout with guests, whom i found out later were child molestors (at this point, i've met WAY too many child molesters, most of which seem normal otherwise..) and when the lie dector results are read during the taping.. all hell breaks loose backstage! security gets all huffy and guests are supposed to keep far far away from each other - ive seen some guests come out of their green rooms hunting to kill someone from the show! The steve show ruins lives - many people end up breaking up and not leaving together after the show! Sad but i guess if they didnt molest children to begin with.. it wouldnt happen....

1 comment:

  1. LMAO...omg this blog is epic! Why haven't I seen this before???
